To Be Or Not To Be — Is Creating Online Courses A Silver Bullet For Your Struggles?

Juliette Stapleton
3 min readJun 2, 2018

It is interesting to observe how lack of clients in their current business for many people becomes a sign that they need to start selling online courses.

The truth is, I thought so too 12 months ago. But in my defence, my WHY has always been to become location free, and this is partially why I did not look at growing my business locally.

On the other hand, let’s be frank. All my clients at that point had come to me through referrals, I never had to prospect or advertise, as most of them stayed with me for years! Some are still around — I am good at building deep connections and strong relationships.

The flip side of that coin is a dangerous one. Prospecting is the most important aspect of growing any business, especially when doing it the right way. And it is the lack of prospecting skills that hold business owners back from taking action and growing their businesses within their communities.
Unfortunately, creating online courses and programs (or even opening an online shop) comes across like a silver bullet to them. And what they do not realise is that making that decision means they are starting a NEW business, and it will require effort, time, money AND PROSPECTING for clients.

As I mentioned, my reason to go online wasn’t just to grow my business, it was to create a DIFFERENT business, that I can take with me wherever I go. Not exactly a digital nomad, as I am not interested in a “life-in-a-backpack”, but the same idea — so I can spend several months a year elsewhere, without stopping or undermining my business commitments.

It only looks easy when you see someone selling online programs.

It only sounds amazing to call it “Passive Income”.

There is NOTHING PASSIVE about it — it is a huge lie! There is more prospecting and showing up involved in the online space than in the physical world and I can tell you that from my own experience.
STOP chasing the quickie solutions.
THINK about your WHYs and how much time, effort and money you are prepared to invest to create a successful online business to supplement what you are already doing (and amazing at it!)

I am a VISIBILITY strategist and I coach many outstanding business owners how to be more visible to their potential using Social Media.
BUT this does not mean you need to create an online course! This is NOT what visibility means or does.

I sell how-to information — so it makes perfect sense for me. And I still occasionally do some online group trainings or masterclasses. And yet it is COACHING my private clients, week after week, face to face is WHERE I REALLY SHINE!

If you are great at something that is done face to face, or in a group — stick to what you are amazing at!

THIS will bring you the money you deserve.
THIS is where your area of genius is.

And build your VISIBILITY online to support it and attract more clients to what makes YOU unique in the world.

I can help you with that. you just need to get in touch (click here).

But I will not tell you to drop everything you do to build an online course, especially if you rely on your current business to provide for the family.

Because it would be a lie.

Because you will waste a lot of time that could be spent building on what you already have.

Because you will be fooling yourself right now!

Build your business, the one that is already there.

Make is sustainable.

ONLY then turn to making online courses.

They are NOT a silver bullet for your lack of income!



Juliette Stapleton

Marketing by Human Design for coaches and experts: re-align your strategies with your energetics and activate your client attraction magnetism