How To Use Your Personal Profile For Marketing On Facebook

Juliette Stapleton
5 min readDec 4, 2020

Have you been holding yourself back from posting about your offers on your personal profile?

Even if you are sending friends requests to people with an intention to generate some leads for your business?

Are you holding yourself back in fear that you may get into the FACEBOOK JAIL if you do?

Let me explain how it works.

Apart from a lengthy conversation I could have here about how the algorithm works to help you understand that your personal profile is where you can avail of most eyes on your content (comparing to your Business page, if you are not boosting each one of your posts to a highly targeted audience.
Which would be very expensive indeed. )

Let me instead talk about what type of content you should be posting there.
You see people are not stupid and we should never treat them as such.

People come to Facebook to decompress. To destress. When they are bored with Netflix or whatever they are binging on these days.
They are also on Facebook because they are seeking comfort.
Hoping that someone will make them feel better.

More inspired…
Often trying to find a solution to their unhappiness.
(And yes, lack of that solutions makes them slightly UNhappier than they desire to be. That is where you and your offers come in!)

But just like that annoying store attendant that is literally in your face the moment you entered the store, if your posts sound like an advertising for your service, the only reaction your will get is a firm NO (in the form of scrolling by, sometimes unfollowing or unfriending you).

BUT! We go to the store because it has something we need. Even when we do not know EXACTLY what it is we need to help us with what we want.

Imagine a different scenario. You are coming into the store, nobody is bothering you and you can browse freely on your own.
Suddenly you overhear someone telling a little story, an anecdote form their lives, and in the story you recognise a tiny part of yourself. You have been there.
Maybe you are experiencing it now.
Maybe this is why you are in the store altogether.

You turn around and see someone showcasing this awesome product, talking about how transformational this has been for them and those who have already used them.

They show you exactly how to use it — right there in front of you. And in a way, they do not even care if you are looking.
They do not try to “drag you” into their show.

At one point they look up and say, who would like to try it, I will show you exactly what to do, so you can experience it yourself right here, right now…

And at that moment, you KNOW you MUST experience it. You smile and the host invites you closer. They gently show you everything again, but now you are the one using the product, while they confidently, but very gently guide you through every step every curveball.

You feel safe and trust the process, and while this is happening you start seeing that this is exactly what you need, as it is WORKING in front of your eyes and you FEEL that happiness building inside.
You know YOU WANT IT!

When it comes to posting on your personal profile, there is no rule against marketing your business. But when you do it through talking about some of your own personal insights, using examples and stories from your own and your clients’ lives or businesses — THIS is when people start paying attention.
Not immediately perhaps, but they do!

They move in closer. They start reading your future posts more intentionally. They become curious to find out more about you and what you can do for them.

Then you can go deep and actually show them what can happen. YES. Right there in your posts. You can freely explain your framework, your process, you can guide them through it IN YOUR POSTS!

Yes, some people are great at learning quickly and implementing with massive results. For example, I became a contributor for Entrepreneur NOT because I hired a coach, but because I paid attention to someone who tipped me off and I immediately took action and got in… RESULT!!!

Will you argue that he should have not been doing these things in his free posts as he just lost a client?


The truth is that I have never considered hiring him as a coach in the first place. I am NOT his ideal client.

BUT I gave him credit for my results regardless, because that is fair. And I introduced some of my own clients to him, who as far as I can see hired him — they WERE his ideal clients…Do you see where I am going with this?

Your ideal clients will still hire you because YOU are the one they need to guide your through the steps, coach them when they hesitate and celebrate with them when they win!

NOT ideal clients do not intend to ever hire you. They might use that info and that is GREAT. They will get results and they might even have integrity to give you credit, but what is more important — they are a testament that your strategies WORK! So a win nonetheless. But they are not your ideal clients and you should not worry about not converting them. They are NOT to be!

And here is the biggest secret!
Your ideal client will ALWAYS end up raising their hand, and hiring you!

When you guide your readers through your process in detail in your content, backing those up with some personal insights and making an offer to do it WITH them inside your programs — your IDEAL clients get:
A. The clarity in what you actually do — most coaches fail to get clients as they never clearly explain what they do and HOW this can help

B: Assurance in what is about to happen next if they decide to work with you (you may be surprised, but sometimes we hesitate to say YES, because we do not know exactly what steps are involved to even make a payment! (Mind-blown, right? But it is true — we often need THAT much assurance.)

So to sum up, when you are using your personal profile to market your business,
and when you do it from a position of a guide,
who is talking to the audience as if one-on-one…
directly and even intimately
while showing them exactly how it all works,
THAT is when you do not come across salesy or spammy!!!

Does this help you see the light a little?

Let’s play: on a scale from 1 (salesman) to 5 (a guide) how would you rate yourself and the content you have been posting, and have think what do you need to get you to the firm 5?

You can then share with me inside my free private Facebook group called How To Get Clients where we discuss things like that. Just click here to join. Or here to open a dedicated post where we discuss this specific topic.



Juliette Stapleton

Marketing by Human Design for coaches and experts: re-align your strategies with your energetics and activate your client attraction magnetism