Are You In Love With Your Clients?

Juliette Stapleton
5 min readSep 17, 2020

Every entrepreneur’s dream is to run a business that feels incredible and satisfying. But is this actually achievable and how can it be done? When I asked this question to my entrepreneurial followers on Facebook, I was not surprised to see that the key criteria for their happiness and satisfaction was to work with people who truly appreciate them.

When my clients tell me they are struggling to attract business through conversations (which is such an essential part of building your visibility and business and on social media alike), I often see that they seem to be operating from a very disempowering stance.

I am not a mindset coach; I am a visibility strategist, and as part of my services I focus on teaching how to create a real human connection using the right content and conversations. But all my strategies and all my time-saving and energy-saving hacks are not effective if your energy is being focused on the wrong things.

Yes, we work hard and push through resistance and our fears. At first, this is all to make money, because money brings inner peace, security, generates a lot more opportunities, and brings us closer to our dream lifestyle.

I am not simply talking about having money to put more Ferraris in the garage. However, it still takes making money consistently to be financially sound and creative. After your income is consistent, you will face other issues, like making sure you have more time, but achieving financial freedom is always a priority at the start.

So when we are not generating enough income, it puts so much pressure on us and, as a result, we get desperate. And, we harness each other’s energy, even if we do not realise it.

Your intention is a powerful manifestor, but it has to come from a pure place energetically.

When you are desperate, this is the energy that affects everything you are doing. If we go back to client attraction, this is what your readers sense in your content and customers sense in your conversations. You subconsciously make it all about the transaction, and you are lacking patience and the inner peace required for proper nurturing. This means you talk business either too soon or to the wrong people.

Everything changes when you change the way you approach your connection strategy.

If you remove yourself entirely from the outcome and make every conversation about the person on the other side, you will have time to actually listen to what they have to say about their needs and problems and if there is an opportunity for you to perfectly fit in their world.

In fact, you should almost not care if this conversation ends with a transaction or not, as long as the person you are speaking to is better off after the talk.

Here are a couple of practical suggestions:

Do not try to “save” them

Being a “saviour” attracts very needy people who make for horrible clients. This is often due to their inability to assume responsibility for their own businesses or lives. The blame external forces and they expect external forces to change everything for them. They will reply on you more than you would be comfortable with and eventually this will make you feel trapped and resentful, as you will start seeing that they are not willing to change, expecting a miracle. Yet, it was YOU who assumed the “saviour” position in the first place. They have to “save themselves” first by assuming responsibility for their actions and the situation they are in.

Instead, you are looking for people who desire what you can offer them and are actively looking for a solution.

Do not try to change their mind

If you feel like they are completely resisting your suggestions, they may be not yet ready for a sales chat at all. You can instead point them to some of your trainings. (Create a list of all your past live streams and topics so you can easily find a link to something that will truly benefit them at this point.) Leave them with freedom of choice: to engage with you; to quietly watch you until they are ready for the next step; or, to get back to you as you were so powerfully convincing!

Trust me, this is a fantastic approach.

In fact, as a client, I have experienced this connection strategy from a couple of amazing coaches I met online, and they are who I chose to learn from. They talked with me with no agenda. They did not even attempt to “change my mind”; they offered me serious deals; and, when I said no, offered me massive value through links to their trainings online.

And these are the people I decided to work with after consideration. These are the people whose content and support (no matter how expensive) did not leave me with a slightly negative feeling that I was coerced into buying their course, or hiring them, or tied into a membership or anything at all along those lines.

I felt that the value of the programs matched the value they gave freely and generously before the transaction even happened. And when it happened, I was grateful and excited and, even more important, I believed that it was the right thing to do, because I felt it in my gut. And if you follow me, you know that my intuition is my biggest gift, I always tell people to listen to the voice of their soul, not the chatter in their head.

When you know your interests are at the heart of people you buy from, the feeling is empowering, and you will take action!

The magic is that these coaches are in love with their clients, and they treat everyone who comes into their world with that same warmth. They are positioning themselves as mere guides to their client’s incredible outcomes. The story is not about them being great coaches; it is about their client’s often life-changing success stories.

I have been practising this approach with my clients and students, and I can genuinely admit, it feels incredible to be on the giving side too.

If you want to run a business you love, start with love.

More love leads to more value, which in turn leads to more guidance and more opportunities to elevate your visibility through genuinely authentic content and real human connection.

Are you ready to create the flow of love/money/clients/opportunities?
Let’s connect and talk about how I can guide you there.



Juliette Stapleton

Marketing by Human Design for coaches and experts: re-align your strategies with your energetics and activate your client attraction magnetism